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Show Prompt Tokenization
Generate Forever
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Interrupt And Generate
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Seems like the ComfyUI workflow editor direct-access hasn't loaded. Give it a second to load - if it doesn't there might be an error message in your browser console or the server logs.


The "Utilities" tab provides a variety of general utilities and tools in the subtabs above, and the quicktools below.

Metadata Utilities

If you click this button, all Model and Image metadata datastores will be reset, and they will be reloaded from source files.
This is useful for example if you've externally modified your model or image files and want to clean out or update Swarm's metadata tracking.
Note that this does not remove metadata from the models or images themselves, just from the databases that keep an efficient tracker of them.
This may take a moment to run.

Model Sub-type:  Date range:
Filter:  Replace:
Model filename filter:

If you click this button, Swarm will scan Civitai for metadata on models, and update the metadata database with any information found.
You can filter by date range (eg only recently downloaded model files), and/or by required missing content (eg only scan those without images).
You can also choose what metadata gets updated (eg only the image).
Optionally use the model filename filter to only scan models with a specific filename. Use '*' as a wildcard.
(For example, 'SDXL/*' will scan only models within a folder named 'SDXL/'. This is case-insensitive.)
Will take a while, and may seem to freeze up if it has to apply edits. This is normal.
Additional debug info while running can be found in the browser console.
Be careful! If you have manually edited metadata, you can easily accidentally delete it. There is no undo for unwanted changes, they are applied rapidly in bulk.

CLIP Tokenizer

This is a tool to analyze CLIP tokenization for Stable Diffusion models.
All current Stable Diffusion models use the same CLIP token set, so this applies to them all.
Simply type some text in the box below to see how it gets tokenized.
It will show each text-piece, and its numerical ID.

Pickle To Safetensors

This is a tool to quickly convert legacy Pickle (.pt, .ckpt, .bin) files to modern Safetensors files.
WARNING: Pickle files may contain malicious code. Do not use this tool or otherwise load pickle files unless you trust their source.
The pickle files will be moved to a "backups" folder, and the safetensors files left in place where the pickles originally were.
You may delete the backups folder after confirming the new safetensors files work as intended.
Be aware that this may temporarily use a large amount of filespace.
This may take some time to process.
(You can continue using the UI as normal while this runs)

(This will save filespace with minimal side effects, highly recommended)

LoRA Extractor

This is a tool to extract a LoRA from the difference between two models.
"Base" should be whatever the common base model is, eg SDXL-1.0-Base.
"Other" should be the unique model with information to extract into the LoRA.
The closer Base is to Other, the less complex the LoRA's data will be, and the more likely it will work well with other models that were built off the same base.

Note that LoRA Extraction is an imperfect partial process, and will lose some of the data that makes the model unique.
Rank is a number indicating how much detail to try to save. Higher numbers result in bigger files, and only slightly more accurate matching. Small values (eg 16) are usually sufficient.

Base model:
Other model:
Save as:

Model Downloader

This is a tool to download models for you and save them to Swarm's model folder.
Note that only .safetensors models may be downloaded.
HuggingFace file URLs are supported.
Civitai URLs are supported and will automatically download+apply model metadata from the civitai API.
For anything else, make sure your URL is a direct download URL (not eg an html page with the info about it).

Exact web URL to the model.
Civitai URLs are fully supported and will load metadata.
HuggingFace URLs will be recognized.
For anything else, make sure the URL is a direct download URL, not a webpage.
Note only '.safetensors' models are allowed.
? URL:

This section will update after you input a URL to inform you if the URL is valid.
The box below will display loaded metadata if you use a civitai URL.
? Status: (...)

The base model sub-type to use, ie what category it gets saved to.
Make sure this is correct, you don't want a LoRA in your base models folder or similar.
Civitai links will autoset this when they load metadata.
? Model Type:
What folder to put the model in.
To create new folders, simply type paths with '/' in them into the 'Save as:' name box below.
? Folder:

File name to save as. Don't include the '.safetensors' file extension, just the name.
You can use a folder path with the '/' symbol.
? Save as:

(TODO: info n stuff here)
Stability API Key

To use the Stability API in SwarmUI, you must set your key.
To get your key, go here.

Once you have your key, enter it below and click save:

Your key: (Unknown)

Civitai API Key

If you plan to use the Model Downloader utility to download content from Civitai, you might want to set your Civitai API key below.
This will allow you to download gated or early-access content that your Civitai account has access to.
You can create an API key here.

Once you have your API key, enter it below and click save:

Your key: (Unknown)

Notice: this is raw internal configuration of parameters. Don't mess with this unless you know what you're doing.

Save 0 edited parameter setting(s)?

The "Server" tab provides access to SwarmUI's server internals, including:
• The Backends tab, which allows you to configure and manage backends (the underlying engines that provide the generation core, or remote instances of swarm this instance is connected to)

• The Server Configuration tab, which allows you to configure and manage Swarm's settings (such as models directory, server host port, etc)

• The Extensions tab, which provides ways to manage your Swarm extensions or install new ones

• The Logs tab, which allows you to view the server logs (eg if you get an error, check Logs -> Debug)

This is not to be confused with the User Settings tab, which allows you to configure your user settings (eg save path/format, default VAE choice, etc)

Local Network

This server is likely accessible from LAN on one of the following addresses:,

Resource Usage


Connected Users



If you want to shut down the server, click the button below.

Or you can update and restart if there are updates available:

Free Memory

You can free up the VRAM usage, or system memory usage (cache) from backends with the two buttons below.

Add new backend of type: Show Advanced
Save 0 edited setting(s)?
View: Filter:

The "Extensions" tab lets you control your installed Swarm extensions, or install new ones.

Installed Extensions

Name Version Tags Author Description Readme License Actions
UniversalTabExtension 299dfdb (2024-12-03 15:30:04) Tabs Hartsy AI Lets you embed iframes of other webservices into subtabs in SwarmUI. Here MIT
FaceToolsExtension fb3cd65 (2024-11-04 15:00:10) Parameters Quaggles Adds support for CodeFormer FaceRestore and ReActor. Here MIT

Available Extensions

Name Tags Author Description Readme License Actions
WaifuDiffusionV Parameters, Nodes Neggles & Waifu Diffusion Team Adds support for WaifuDiffusion-V-EDM sampling. Here GPLv3
ComfyDeployBackend , Backend mcmonkey Adds a ComfyDeploy ( https://www.comfydeploy.com/ ) backend. Here MIT
MagicPrompt Tabs Hartsy AI Provides LLM (language model) usage inside SwarmUI to enhance your prompts. Here MIT
PostRender Parameters HellerCommaA Adds support for a variety of useful post-processing techniques - LUTs, film grain, vignette, blur, and more. Here MIT
SkimmedCFG Parameters Quaggles Adds support for SkimmedCFG anti-burn allowing much higher CFG scales. Here MIT
SkipLayerGuidance Parameters mcmonkey Adds support for SLG (SD3.5M trick) and STG (LTX-Video trick) as a parameter group. Here MIT
OllamaVision Tabs Urabewe Provides a frontend to connect to Ollama or OpenAI for image analysis using vision LLM models. Here MIT
AdaptiveProjectedGuidance Parameters Quaggles Adds support for Adaptive Projected Guidance, retain the quality-boosting advantages of CFG while enabling the use of higher guidance scales without oversaturation. Here MIT
KohyaDeepShrink Parameters derrian-distro A simple SwarmUI extension that adds parameters for the Kohya Deep Shrink / PatchModelAddDownscale node to the generate tab. Here MIT
SwarmUI v0.9.4.0 (2024-12-25 07:10:00)